Palm vein intelligent consumer terminal


Z-PVT630 adopts the third-generation "brush payment" system, which can interconnect with Alipay, wechat Pay, cloud flash Pay and other payment methods, support top-up or palpal vein consumption, and various payment methods can be flexibly defined and set to meet the payment and consumption needs of different scenarios.

The payment consumer terminal adopts double-sided large-screen design, self-service interactive settlement, convenient and fast, and supports multi-mode payment consumption methods such as brushing, swiping card and scanning code, which is safe and convenient, giving you a new brush consumption experience.

Advantage:Based on the third generation of palmar vein AI intelligent recognition engine

Application:Supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, all kinds of members, self-service consumption places, etc

Product parameter
Product characteristics


掌静脉 识别模式

掌静脉(1:N识别)  掌静脉(1:1验证)

屏幕 触控屏(主屏:5寸;副屏:7寸)
摄像头 近红外光摄像头


 刷手 识别速度

1:N模式:≤200ms  (N=5000 用户)



账户绑定 支持对接绑定云闪付,支付宝,微信支付, 会员充值账户等(需有符合要求的账户和权限)
其他 支持外接条码枪,字键盘,热敏打印机等
识别距离 100mm-280mm
喇叭 内置喇叭,支持语音播报
外壳材料 铝合金

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